A stranger walked into my studio the other day.
A lost woman wandering the building to see what was inside. She found my door open and asked to come in to look around.
In awe, she stopped and stared at everything. Gazed at all the products, the wall art, and the studio sets. She told me she had always wanted to be a photographer but decided she had to have a real job.
Ouch, right?
I told her she should have followed her dreams and chased the arts. That it’s terrifying, frustrating and most days lonely... but you find so much peace in creating something people can enjoy.
She asked if this is really my only job.
How did I do it? How did I find myself into shooting boudoir?
I was honest in my response. I jokingly said, “I cried a lot and worked my ass off.”
She chuckled, thanked me for my time, and walked away to keep venturing around the quiet building.
I sat there, thinking about how far I had come. How I wouldn’t be where I am today if I had let the fear and doubt take over me. I wasn’t lying when I said a lot of tears. Starting a business is terrifying. I learned that tears and crying was okay! (Thanks mom for passing down your emotions to me)
So here are some steps to gaining success. May it be in a business, personal goal, or just life.
I realized that by letting myself feel and release these emotions through tears, that I could open up and make better decisions. I could get past it and stop bottling up my emotions and now run with what I felt. I could use this as fuel to continue chasing the dream of running a business and owning MY life! Tears are not weakness... tears are fuel!
2. Keep pushing through it.
There will be day’s you’ll feel alone. There will definitely be days you want to throw in the towel and give up... but nothing will ever be this rewarding. You don’t belong to anyone but yourself. You have the power to travel, grow, and push yourself to endless possibilities!
3. Enjoy the work.
I work 24/7. I'm lucky I can work from my phone most days and put it down when I need to. I am constantly letting my mind run crazy into all the possibilities that this business can take me. Plan fun events or travels to look forward too. This will help you so much it’s unreal. You will need this in order to push through the lows and appreciate the highs. You’re working towards something big, keep the vision and enjoy the ride.
4. Find your people.
In business this could mean clients. Finding the ideal client for you that supports and loves your work. In life, this could mean friendships, support groups (we need this in business too!) and family! You can’t be successful alone. Let me say that again. YOU CAN NOT BE SUCCESSFUL ALONE! Support is huge. Don’t shy away from asking for help, taking time to learn from someone new, or putting away the competition to join in community!! Always put community over competition! You need each-other to grow.
5. Trust yourself.
This is what I struggle most with.
We are our own worst critics. At the end of the day are alone with the demons inside us. Its human nature to pick ourselves apart and let the doubt in, BUT DON’T! You need to trust in your abilities, your art, your body, and yourself wholeheartedly. Focus on the good and LEARN from the bad.
I am here telling you this because it’s never too late. It’s never to late to chase your dreams, travel, start a business, pick up a camera, or start something that scares you.
Dont focus too much on the future, you’ll drive yourself nuts! Focus on the growth. Focus on the present. Focus on YOU and what makes YOU happy! It’s never too late.
I hope you read this and realize you’re not alone and that you can accomplish amazing things....
Love, your friendly neighborhood boudoir photographer,
- Hannah
Image by Elizabeth Adams Boudoir | Texas
Just me on top of the World...
